Hard to find the time to post much content, and this fall was not exception.
I am proud to announce two accomplishments that have happened almost simultaneously and a change in the office as a result..
1. I passed my exam and am now certified by the Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy. I proudly display IFNCP after my name. Working towards this certification allowed me to review the basics of the nutrition work I do and to learn from some of the best and brightest in the integrative nutrition community about how they practice and what they believe is important. It served as both an affirmation and an update of the work I have been doing and I have gained both new insights and a credential I proudly display.
2. I have been hired by Fairview Hospital to facilitate the community health work I am so passionate about. I am tasked with facilitating the creation of a network of providers and to engage the community in making sure we are prepared to meet the health needs of all in our community in our changing health and financing environment. I have been excitedly talking to lots people, convening working meetings and working with the state and federal government agencies to make sure we are making decisions based on the best information possible. More importantly, I am working to make sure that all voices are heard in this discussion so that the health care our community gets is the health care it wants.
Because of all this new work, my colleague, Eileen Bote, RD, LDN, IFNCP, will be seeing patients in my office on Fridays. I am very excited to welcome her . Please see her bio on my about page and know that you can make an appointment with either of us and get the same approach and the same high quality care.